Your life is Yours to live joyously… stop waiting live a life you love! The Find Your Shine VIP Program is for YOU – to get clear about and connected to your divinely inspired purpose! When you are connected to your divinely inspired PURPOSE, your life just works! The 6 month transformation program is designed to connect you to YOUR purpose.
Praise for this course:
About the instructor
Intuitive Results Coach
Alexandra Joy Smith
Course Curriculum
Welcome to the Quantum Breakthrough Program
Start Here!
About the QBS Process
1. Plant
Welcome to the Plant module
Important Info about your FYS Journey
Your Find Your Shine Journal
Light Bath Meditation
2. Life Inventory
Welcome to the Life Inventory modue
Where Are You At?
7 Areas of Life
7 Areas of Life Video
3. Awareness
Welcome to the Awareness module
Seed 1: Inconvenience
Seed 1: Inconvenience Resources
Seed 2: The Voice Within
Seed 2: The Voice Within Resources
Seed 3: Shine Values (Part 1)
Seed 3: Shine Values (Part 1) Resources
Seed 4: Shine Values (Part 2)
Seed 4: Shine Values (Part 2) Resources
Seed 5: Shadow Values
Seed 5: Shadow Values Resources
4. Authentic Alignment
Welcome to the Authentic Alignment module
Seed 1: Integrity (Part 1)
Seed 1: Integrity (Part 1) Resources
Seed 2: Integrity (Part 2)
Seed 2: Integrity (Part 2) Resources
Seed 3: Open Loops
Seed 3: Open Loops Resources
Seed 4: Breakdowns and Breakthroughs
Seed 4: Breakdowns and Breakthroughs Resources
Seed 5: Belief System
Seed 5: Belief System Resources
5. Attune & Attract
Welcome to the Attune & Attract module
Seed 1: Your Shining Life
Seed 1: Your Shining Life Resources
Seed 2: Vision Boarding
Seed 2: Vision Boarding Resources
Seed 3: Content Vs Context
Seed 3: Content Vs Context Resources
Seed 4: Power of Gender Balancing in Relationships and Beyond
Seed 4: Power of Gender Balancing in Relationships Resources
Seed 5: Power of List Writing
Seed 5: Power of List Writing Resources
6. Access & Activate
Welcome to the Access & Activate module
Seed 1: Cracking the Brain Code (Part 1)
Seed 1: Cracking the Brain Code (Part 1) Resources
Seed 2: Cracking the Brain Code (Part 2)
Seed 2: Cracking the Brain Code (Part 2) Resources
Seed 3: Law of Attraction
Seed 3: Law of Attraction Resources
Seed 4: Power of Intention
Seed 4: Power of Intention Resources
Seed 5: Intention Setting
Seed 5: Intention Setting Resources
7. Action & Accountability
Welcome to the Action & Accountability module
Seed 1: Falling in Love with Sales & Enrollment
Seed 1: Falling in Love with Sales & Enrollment Resources
Seed 2: Empowering our Lives through Values Linkage
Seed 2: Empowering our Lives through Values Linkage Resources
Seed 3: Owning Resistance
Seed 3: Owning Resistance Resources
Seed 4: The Beauty of Rituals
Seed 4: The Beauty of Rituals Resources
Seed 5: Your Soul's Blueprint - Inspired Action Planning
Seed 5: Your Soul's Blueprint- Inspired Action Planning Resources
8. Allow, Accept & Appreciation
Welcome to the Allow, Accept & Appreciate module
Seed 1: Your Time to Rise
Seed 1: Your Time to Rise Resources
Seed 2: Radiance
Seed 2: Radiance Resources
Seed 3: Welcome to Your New Life
Seed 3: Welcome to Your New Life Resources
Seed 4: Appreciation
Seed 4: Appreciation Resources
Seed 5: Completion
Seed 5: Completion Resources
FYS Inspire List
Simply Being: Total Relaxation
Simply Being: Invigorate
Simply Being: Creation
Superwoman Affirmation Meditation